Geosynthetics | Geotextiles | Geogrids
Geosynthetics are used in geotechnics to improve certain soil parameters, such as the permeability of the soil in contact with the soil or water. They can be divided into geogrids, geofabrics, nonwovens or also composites and clay liners such as geotextile-bentonite mats. Geosynthetics in the form of nonwovens and fabrics are also referred to as geotextiles. The main areas of application for geosynthetics and geotextiles are earthworks and foundation engineering, hydraulic engineering, road and traffic route construction and environmental engineering. HUESKER geosynthetics are also used for mining applications. Depending on the type of geosynthetic, it can be used for separation, drainage, filtration, protection and also reinforcement. In the case of our HaTelit asphalt reinforcement geogrid, for example, the service life of asphalt roads can be extended.
Learn more about our geosynthetics and geotextiles. Replace conventional construction methods with contemporary solutions using geotextile building materials and reduce construction times and costs sustainably and safely.