Bridging of Sinkholes
Geosynthetic Bridging of Sinkholes
Temporary and permanent bridging of sinkholes on traffic routes
Sites prone to sinkholes or subsidence pose a serious risk for infrastructure projects. The focus here is on the early development of suitable stabilisation concepts and implementation of measures.
Sinkhole protection solutions incorporating geosynthetics as a means of bridging sinkholes may be designed as either temporary or permanent solutions for the areas at risk. The use of high-modulus Fortrac geogrids, with tensile strengths of up to 3,000 kN/m, offers a viable alternative to the ecologically inefficient and less ductile reinforced-concrete constructions. Geogrids for sinkhole protection are made from a variety of materials, e.g. polyester, polyvinyl alcohol or aramid, that are chosen to suit the specific soil conditions. HUESKER will, of course, be glad to advise and assist you in the selection of a suitable geogrid for the bridging of sinkholes.
Advantages of our products for sinkhole bridging
Structural stability in areas prone to sinkholes
No risk of spontaneous failure thanks to high ductility
Cheaper and more eco-friendly than alternative solutions, e.g. reinforced concrete
Inherent spare capacity to accommodate unexpected loads from large sinkholes
Easy installation without memory effect
Cost-effective product selection and customised system solutions