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Geotextiles made from renewable raw materials

Natural raw materials for temporary applications: With the bioLine, HUESKER Synthetic is focusing on fully bio-based and biodegradable technical textiles for the first time.

Once again, the HUESKER Group, based in Gescher, Westphalia, is demonstrating its pioneering role in the field of sustainable geotextiles. With bioLine, HUESKER is now offering fully bio-based and biodegradable technical textiles for temporary applications. At market launch, the bioLine product portfolio includes classic reinforcement fabrics from the Basetrac® brand as well as genuine innovations such as the Incomat® concrete matting system and SoilTain® dewatering tubes - the first product types of their kind on the market. "With bioLine, our engineers have succeeded in developing a sustainable product solution that is in no way inferior to conventional geotextiles in terms of functionality and fully meets all technical requirements," explains Sven Schröer, CSO of HUESKER Synthetic GmbH.

Wide range of possible uses
With the bioLine, HUESKER is consistently taking the next step towards sustainable construction with geotextiles - and in several different areas of application. Basetrac Grid bio can be used as an equivalent alternative to Basetrac Woven made of polypropylene (PP) for temporary surface stabilization in road and traffic route construction. The natural base course reinforcement can be used in almost all soil conditions and also performs separation and filter functions thanks to its close-meshed structure. In hydraulic engineering, Incomat Standard bio fulfills various functions such as surface sealing and erosion protection or can be used as buoyancy protection or to protect pipelines. The innovative concrete mat system can be installed both under water and in dry conditions, making it ideal for sewer renovations and pool linings. SoilTain bio dewatering tubes, meanwhile, offer an efficient and fast solution for dewatering sludge without the use of plastic. As no additional external energy is required for dewatering in SoilTain DW tubes, SoilTain bio is the first system that does not pollute the environment beyond suction dredging.

The HUESKER bioLine product portfolio

Consistently sustainable
HUESKER Synthetic not only develops innovative and technically sophisticated product solutions, sustainability has also always played an important role. "Our geotextiles contribute to a massive reduction in environmental pollution, particularly in earthworks and foundation engineering as well as in road and traffic route construction, and conserve natural, non-renewable raw materials to a high degree," explains HUESKER Managing Director Dr. F.-Hans Grandin. In addition to the new bioLine made from renewable raw materials, HUESKER has already been offering high-quality geosynthetics made from 100% recycled PET material for several years, making a fundamental contribution to resource-conserving and sustainable construction with geotextiles. The recycled material is obtained from disposed PET bottles and is an absolute equivalent alternative to brand-new PET yarn. In addition to equivalent product properties, the CE marking required in Europe makes ecoLine a sustainable alternative for private and public building owners.